Sakya Tharpa Ling

Welcome to Sakya Tharpa Ling Tibetan Buddhist Centre

Centre Info

We are located in Wallacia Western Sydney on a beautiful property. A regular program of teaching and Buddhist Practise is available. We also celebrate special days on the Buddhist Calendar. Get in touch for more info or join our mailing list by contacting us.

Sunday 1st of September 2024 10am to 5 pm - Buddhist Prayers & Celebration - Wallacia Progress Hall - All Welcome

Join us for White Tara Prayers, Lunch and Dinner for the auspicious occasion of His Holiness the 41st Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche's 80th Birthday.
Wallacia Progress Hall, 40 Greendale Road, Wallacia.

Contact us by email to Book or SMS vial Mobile Number found on Poster below

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HHST Visit Photos

We were delighted to welcome His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin to Western Sydney and our Centre in April/May 2019. The auspicious visit was a great success and many people attended empowerments and teachings.


Dungyud Tulku Rinpoche is the Spiritual Director of the Centre. Rinpoche is available for ongoing guidance. He is very approachable, has a good command of English and is happy to answer your questions.

Centre Visits by other Teachers

His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche paid a visit to our Centre In January 2019. He performed a beautiful blessing ritual.

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His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trichen Rinpoche - Former Head of the Sakya Lineage

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His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Gongma Trizin Rinpoche - Current Head of the Sakya Lineage

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His Eminence the 14th Dungyud Tulku Rinpoche - Spiritual Director of Sakya Tharpa Ling

Source of all the blessings, nature of all the Buddhas, saviour of the world. Your Holiness 41st Vajra Dhara Sakya Gonma Kyabgon Trichen Rinpoche - wishing you a very HAPPY 79th BIRTHDAY! May you live 100s of aeons for the benefit of all sentient beings !!!

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Lama Sengye arrived in early April and is assisting Rinpoche with the day-to-day running of the centre, and is very happy to support the Sydney Community
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Sakya Tharpa Ling - Tibetan Buddhist Centre
Address: 79-81 Davenport Drive, Wallacia, NSW 2743